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What Makes a Good Founder? | Dan Idhenga

I’ve been fortunate to work with numerous founders, from the exceptionally talented to those still finding their footing. I have also been in that position and continue to place myself in such roles (eg. through London Venture Capital Network). Here are some key characteristics that make a great founder, though each situation is unique.

1. Strong Vision and Ability to Lead

A great founder has a compelling vision and is effective at attracting talent for their company. They’re able to articulate their value proposition and get started on a common goal with the help of their team (often even before having the proper resources to pay them). This goes beyond the product or service; it’s about the impact the founder wants to have on customers, society, and the world at large.

Some of the key leadership traits to look out for usually include:

  • Strong ability to communicate their vision

  • Ability to make tough decisions

  • Willingness to pivot, adapt, and make necessary changes

2. Resilience and Flexibility

Being a founder is one of the hardest jobs you can do; it never ends. I’ve seen the challenges and setbacks firsthand — new problems will always emerge. That’s why it’s essential to have the resilience to navigate these obstacles.

NTN Holdings values this trait immensely, and it’s why we invest in the companies we select. As investors, we really like it when founders have been entrepreneurs in the past — they are much more ready for the ups and downs.

Some attributes I’d consider important under this theme are:

  • Not giving up / perseverance

  • An ability to bounce back from failure (and learn from it)

  • Staying focused despite external pressures

  • Building a culture of experimentation, learning, and improvement

3. Emotional Intelligence, Coachability, and Humility

Good founders sometimes need to be brought back down to earth. When you are too good, you can lose a sense of what’s really going on. Many un-coachable founders build something and then stagnate — or their business collapses — because they are unable to accept or hear opposing viewpoints.

That’s why it’s important for companies to have a good board of directors and other governance procedures, which can provide guidance and limit arrogant behavior. Great founders know their strengths, weaknesses, and emotions. When a founder intentionally works on their personality, they do the following:

  • Build strong relationships (with their team, customers, and partners)

  • Ask for help when they need guidance

This emotional intelligence helps them make informed decisions, manage conflicts effectively, and create a positive company culture that fosters collaboration, innovation, and growth. Every founder is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Thanks for reading, follow for more investor insights!

Written by Dan Idhenga

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