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Dan Pandeni Idhenga
Nov 15, 20202 min read
What Inspiring Leaders Do Differently (And Why It Matters) | Dan Idhenga
Having gratitude and actively listening has a compound effect when developing relationships with those you lead. Being a leader is tough...

Dan Pandeni Idhenga
Oct 13, 20202 min read
Building Leadership Resilience | Dan Idhenga
Decide on your purpose, and use it to guide you on your journey to becoming a leader who others can admire. If you want to be a leader...

Dan Pandeni Idhenga
Sep 13, 20202 min read
The Art of Listening as a Leader | Dan Idhenga
Listening is much more important than some people realise. There are some leaders out there who think that listening is something that...

Dan Pandeni Idhenga
Jul 15, 20202 min read
How to Avoid Harmful Leadership Situations | Dan Idhenga
The difference between good leaders and bad is often their willingness and ability to reflect and improve on past failures. If you’re a...

Dan Pandeni Idhenga
Feb 14, 20202 min read
How Leaders Can Inspire Great Culture | Dan Idhenga
There is arguably nothing better than being in strong sync with those around you and achieving your goals as a team. In the book Disney...
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